Build Good Credit Early: Life Hacks for Boosting Your Credit Score as a College Student or Recent Graduate
“If you’re a college student or recent graduate, you have a lot to focus on. If you’re in college, you’re taking classes, likely living away from home for the first time and juggling a social life with other responsibilities. If you are a new grad, you’re likely looking for your first “real” job, considering a move and dealing with other potential stressful realities. One of the last things on your mind is probably how to build credit.
You may have heard your parents talk about credit and think it’s only for those who want to buy a house or car. And while you may not realize it, building credit goes well beyond just those issues. If you want to begin to building your credit but don’t know where to start, the following tips can help.
Why Should You Be Concerned About Your Credit Score Now?If you’re still in college, you may think a credit score is something you can worry about later. But like we mentioned earlier, your credit impacts much more than buying a house or car. Most relevant to you as a college student? The fact that your credit history and score can impact the rate you pay on your student loans. That means the lower your credit score, the more you will pay…”
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Article written by BY JOHN SCHMOLL