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A man in graduation cap and gown speaking at podium.

2022 Yale College Reunions a smash success

The 2022 Yale College Reunions were unlike any other. The first held on campus in three years due to COVID-19 precautions and guidelines, this year’s reunions ran three weekends, with 22 classes ranging from 1952 to 2017 returning to celebrate.

By all accounts, this year’s events were an undeniable success. The weather threatened, and occasionally the skies opened, but always cleared relatively quickly. Alumni and their guests came back to campus in impressive numbers to relive their college years, visit their favorite places, catch up with longtime friends, and make new friends along the way. Smiles were many, as were hugs and celebrations.

“It was so wonderful to see our campus alive with alums again,” said YAA Executive Director Weili Cheng ’77, who celebrated her 45th reunion this year. “We were excited to welcome everyone back, and yet somehow, these reunions exceeded even our own high expectations. Thank you so much to everyone who came back. To those who couldn’t, know you were missed. And a special thanks to all the student clerks and staff members throughout the university who teamed together to make this year’s reunions so memorable – and magical.”

With that, here is a look back at the 2022 Yale College Reunions, by the numbers, in pictures, and more:

Yale College Reunions By the Numbers

3 – reunion weekends (up from the traditional two weekends)

22 – classes celebrating in 2022 (up from the traditional 13), including three each of the 5th, 25th, and 50th classes!

59 – faculty presentations, including lectures, panels, and tours, given by 44 faculty members during the three reunion weekends

2,071 – guests housed on campus during 2022 reunions

6,560 – square feet of flooring set up under the tents for guests to dance the night away

7,460 – alumni and their guests who came to New Haven for one of the three weekends

48,900 – delicious meals served by Yale Hospitality

86,250 – square feet of tenting put up in the residential colleges for meals, drinks, and dancing

Yale College Reunions Photos

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