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411 University St, Seattle

What the difference between DI, DII, DIII, NAIA, and NJCAA Schools?

To participate in Division I or Division II athletics, students must register and be certified by the NCAA Initial-Eligibility Clearinghouse.  Students can get information on registering on the NCAA website at http://www.ncaaclearinghouse.net/.NCAA Division III schools are generally the smallest in the NCAA, although some larger schools, such as New York University, are in DIII.  Many of […]

Are the ACT and SAT Viewed Equally?

“Question: My daughter is preparing for college by studying for the ACT. Do top schools like the Ivy League or Stanford prefer the SAT over the ACT? Even though the school might say either one is OK, in your opinion does one or the other have more advantage?Back when “The Dean” applied to college, the […]

One Year of Foreign Language?

Question: My daughter only has 1 year of Language. Her HS phased out the Spanish class, so she took arts and college prep classes instead. Now with only 1 year of language, can she get into admissions, or should she attempt to take a night class to get Spanish 101 at our community college? What […]

Maximizing Merit Money

“Question: What suggestions do you have for maximizing merit and grant aid?  We’ve been careful to focus on colleges where my daughter is at or above the 75th percentile.  She’s a rising senior with a 29 ACT, 3.7wGPA and strong sport and volunteer ECs.  The net price calculators make me think that 2 or 3 […]

Current Students Share Advice on Making the Right College Choice

High school seniors deciding among multiple college acceptances may wonder how they can be sure they are making the right choice. It is no small decision, as this selection will affect the course of their next four years academically, professionally and socially. ​The following perspectives on college choice were offered via email by three current college students who feel they made the correct decisions – as […]