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University of Notre Dame – College of Engineering

“Engineering at Notre Dame combines technical inquiry with a creative bent (novel methods of using and producing materials, components, devices, and systems) to develop innovations that can improve the health, well-being, and quality of life for all persons. Consistent with the University’s Catholic mission and heritage, the College of Engineering’s mission is founded on the principle that the creation and transfer of knowledge should reflect a profound and complete respect for the dignity of all persons and for the greater common good of humanity. To appropriate the words of the University’s founder, Rev. Edward A. Sorin, C.S.C., the college must be, first and foremost, a force for good in the world.

To that end, the college will continue to engage in transformational research in its core competencies — energy, biomedical/bioengineering, environmental science/engineering, and national/personal security — as they address the important needs of humanity, while inspiring students of all levels to scholarship and service. It will also continue to develop its expertise in electronic materials and devices, wireless and information systems, natural hazard mitigation, flow physics and control, geochemistry and geosciences, hydrology, and computational science and engineering, translating research outcomes into commercial ventures as possible, so that the efforts of Notre Dame engineering researchers produce the greatest good for society.”

Did You Know?

“Engineering has been offered at the University since 1873, when Notre Dame became the first Catholic university in the country to have a school of engineering. In fact, Notre Dame boasts a long history of engineering developments in a variety of fields … from the construction of the first hand-driven wind tunnel in America (aerospace) and the successful transmission of one of the first wireless messages (communications) in the country to the discovery of a new class of actinyl peroxide compounds (energy) and demonstration of magnetic logic (computing).

When the College of Engineering was officially founded in 1920, most of the students were pursuing civil engineering, due to the nation’s need for surveyors and designers of roads, bridges, and railroads. Today, graduate and undergraduate students continue to explore a wide variety of fields through the five departments housed within the college as they search for ways to address some of society’s most pressing needs.”


The College of Engineering offers curricula leading to the following degrees and concentrations. Like each degree program, concentrations consist of specific course requirements, which are available from individual departments. All concentrations are achievable without adding to degree requirements.

Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Department of Chemical and Bimolecular Engineering
​Civil & Environmental Engineering & Earth Sciences
Computer Science and Engineering
Electrical Engineering

If you are interested in learning more about the University of Notre Dame, contact us at [email protected] or 713.447.0064 to learn more. We have a team waiting to assist you in planning your dreams. 

