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Rice University: The Middle School Institute- Calling all 6th, 7th and/or 8th Grade Teachers

Middle School Institute

June 28-30, 2016
The Middle School Institute is designed to help 6th, 7th and/or 8th grade teachers increase the rigor of content so students develop the strong foundation necessary for success in secondary advanced academics and post-secondary courses. Content specific workshops are being offered for English, math, science and social studies middle school teachers. 



Social Studies

When: Tuesday-Thursday, June 28-30, 2016, 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

Where: Classes will be held on the Rice University campus.

Registration and orientation: Registration will take place from 7:30-8 a.m. Orientation will begin promptly at 8 a.m.

Tuition: $349 by May 6, 2015; $399 after May 6, 2015 (includes parking, lunch and materials).
Payments are accepted by credit card or purchase order. Registrations via credit card are confirmed immediately upon processing. Registrations made via PO are not considered confirmed until CCR receives the actual payment (check). If registering using a PO, payment (check) is due within 30 days of registration. Failure to submit timely payment may result in the cancellation of your registration.
Participants will receive up to 19.5 hours of Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credit hours or 1.95 Continuing Education Units (CEU). SBEC Continuing Professional Education Provider Number 500571.

Course Cancellation Policy: Although we make every effort to maintain the published schedule of classes, events such as insufficient enrollment, instructor illness, room conflicts or inclement weather may require a schedule adjustment or cancellation. We will notify registrants of any change in the published information.

Special Needs: Most classrooms are accessible for all participants. However, some classrooms in older buildings may be inaccessible for people who use wheelchairs and/or other aids for mobility. Please notify us of any accommodations you require so that arrangements can be made to assist you (call 713-348-6031 or email [email protected]). We would appreciate at least two weeks’ notice. For information on Rice’s Disability Support Services office, see dss.rice.edu.

​For out of town participants, click here to download a list of area hotels.

Airport transportation: Transportation to and from the airport can be arranged through Super Shuttle at www.supershuttle.com or (800) BLUE-VAN (258-3826). Prices range from $19 one-way from Hobby Airport to $24 one-way from Bush Intercontinental Airport. Taxi transportation may be arranged starting at $27 from Hobby Airport and $51 from Bush Intercontinental Airport. Additional information can be found at www.fly2houston.com.

​FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact the Susanne M. Glasscock School of Continuing Studies:
Telephone: 713-348-6031
Fax: 713-348-3123
Email: [email protected]
* AP and Pre-AP are registered trademarks of the College Board, which was not involved in the development and delivery of this professional development.
**Information gathered from http://collegeready.rice.edu/middle-school-institute

Are you ready to earn your Master’s Degree?

Contact Nadine Underbrink, M.Ed.
College, Graduate & Scholarship Consultant
[email protected]

